Monday, December 27, 2010

[PB] Cheat Point Blank MILD_NEW YEAR December 27, 2010

F1 Bomberman = ON (no need to OFF would not have BT)
F2 = Bomberman OFF

F3 = Wallshot ON

INSERT = Minimize ON (auto minimized) highly resistant BT no longer on the desktop!

F10 = Viper / Hide Helm
F11 = Coolie Rice / Beruang.Kutub Helm
F12 = Reset Char

Numpad 1 = Berets SG
Numpad 2 = Beret Sniper
Numpad 3 = Beret Assault
Numpad 4 = Berets Pistol
Numpad 5 = Berets SMG
Numpad 6 = Beret Item

HOME = Title Hack
END = HACK Rank / Points / Cash
DELETE = Spion Mode
F7 = Quick Exit Game

How to Use Robot Char:
Choose Barrett - START-F10/F11 when loading - Finished Loading F12

Creator : VinCelL

Special Thanks to :

-Indrascott (SUHU)
-AnasTM (SUHU)

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